"Our team is finding it hard to stay on top of new cyber threats and trends."

A dedicated team of experienced researchers are working on your behalf 24/7. You are protected from threats as soon as our researchers have observed them.

"I need to stop getting blacklisted due to infected internal users."

Disrupt botnet communications, utilizing our threat intelligence data. This will prevent your internet resources being listed on blocklists due to botnet activity on your network.

"Botnets have caused significant damage across our network."

Spamhaus has a strong reputation for identifying botnet command and controllers (C2s). These threats will be stopped at the network edge.

Related Products

DNS Firewall Threat Feeds

Applied at the DNS level of your infrastructure, these threat feeds automatically stop users from accessing malicious sites including phishing and malware dropper websites.

These threat feeds can be integrated with existing recursive DNS servers, or for those who don’t manage their own DNS, we have a managed service available.

  • Reduce IT costs
  • Set and forget
  • Save money on risk insurance

Border Gateway Protocol Firewall

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Firewall provides your users and network with up-to-date protection against botnets and other external attacks.

Set up takes minutes; our data is constantly updated in real time by our experienced researchers on your behalf and can be utilized in your existing firewalls or routers.

  • Prevent data exfiltration
  • Protect your network from botnets
  • Reduce infected machines on your network